Archive for the ‘Seen’ Category



When we first meet Hancock (played by Will Smith) he’s a sleep on a bench near a window that displays TV:s, and the TV:s does show a news clip where police are engaged in a car chase on the highway.

Hancock is waken up by a kid who wants to show him that there’s a car chase on the TV. Hancock slowly starts to wake up, showing very little interest in both the TV and the kid. Once he get up he takes a few drinks from a bottle he picks up from under the bench.

Eventually he fly of with the bottle in his hand, to help catch the bad guys.

Being in a state between hungover and drunk he doesn’t make the best choice in how to assist the police though. The bad guys are caught and put behind bars in the end, but the public opinion seem to be he should have stayed away and let the police do their job… Read the rest of this entry »

Modesty Blaise – The Beginning

Modesty Blaise - The Beginning

Modesty Blaise - The Beginning

I found the DVD on sale a few days ago, I have more or less been looking for it since I heard about it. I was just sheer luck that I found it, as I wasn’t planning on checking through the box of various DVDs for sale, but I took a quick look at it as I went past. And there it was at the top of a pile, the Modesty Blaise DVD, I grabbed it 🙂 Didn’t bother checking for other DVDs even though it was a take three deal, but the price for a single DVD was good enough for me.

The movie is the story of what made Modesty who she is. The story starts in Romania during war time, when Modesty is just a little girl, without parents. But don’t worry we will not entirely follow her from childhood, the time line makes a jump to where she’s a young woman, working at a casino. Read the rest of this entry »

3:10 to Yuma

3:10 to Yuma

3:10 to Yuma

Bought the movie and got it home by mail the other day. Sat down and watched it on Saturday evening together with my boyfriend.

It is a story about escorting an outlaw, Ben Wade, to the train that goes to Yuma prison, it leaves the town of Contention at 3:10 pm.

Of course this isn’t an easy task, and on the way a couple members of the original escort group is lost during battle, not only by the hand of Ben Wade’s gang, who naturally wants to set their leader free, but also by the hand of Apache Indians and railroad workers. Read the rest of this entry »

I am legend

Recently bought this movie on dvd. I got a special edition that includes the movie with an alternative ending.

So far I’ve only seen the alternative one, but I will watch the original eventually. When I’ve done so I can let you know witch one was the best, but I can say that I enjoyed watching the alternative one.

It’s a movie where mankind is once again threatened by their own doing, with few survivors. We are following one of them, Robert Neville, a scientist, who lives in New York. He was actually on the team causing the threat in the first place.

The threat this time is a mutated virus, that was launched as a cure for cancer. But somewhere along the way something went wrong, seriously wrong. Those infected by the virus becomes monsters, the bloodthirsty kind. Robert Neville somehow seem to be immune to the virus, and he is on a mission to find the cure. He has his own lab in the basement of his house.

Over all I guess the story could have been better, but it’s a good movie. With action.

The Simpsons movie

The Simpsons is a very good movie. I think that a lot will enjoy it especially if you love the TV shows then the movie is a must buy. It is one of the few dvd movies i own.

It has a good plot to the movie aswell about the environment and pollution. Basically Springfield is so polluted that the government put a dome over the top of the town to stop the pollution getting out. The residents then find out that its all Homer’s fault so they come after him and the rest of his family. Read the rest of this entry »