Archive for February, 2011

Majicians’ Journey – The Prohpecy

Majicians' Journey - The Prophecy

Majicians' Journey - The Prophecy

As promised, here’s a small review of the book. It was rather fast reading and I finished up the last few chapters last night before sleeping.

This is the first book in a series to come, in fact it is the first book ever published, to my knowledge, from the author, David Scherer.

David is an acquaintance of mine, it is only fair to tell you that since it probably colored my opinion of the book a bit. Never the less I’d still say it is definitely worth reading.

The book would best fit under fantasy, it has magic in it; in the book referenced as majick.

The story revolves around three young men; Mica, Kai and Matthias. We get to know them shortly before they get their rites and evolve from students to masters in the world of majick.

As they get their rites, something strange happens to them, something that hasn’t happened for many many years, it was even thought to be just a legend among the elders.

This is the start of the adventure, their destiny has been formed, and although they are given a formal chance to chose if they want to accept the destiny, they know all to well it is not really their choice to make.

This book, The Prophecy, is only the beginning of a dangerous journey. Read the rest of this entry »

Majicians’ Journey – Book arrived

Seem delivery was a bit faster then estimated, I just found the book in my mailbox.

Stay tuned for a review in the next few days.