The ladies' no. 1 detective agency
From what I understand the film is made for TV, it is the pilot for a series. I did however rent it, through an online company so it landed in my mailbox a while back, and a few days ago I got around to watch it.
It is based on novels written by Alexander McCall Smith, a British author. The story takes place in Botswana.
I have not read any of the books, but I have read a short story published in a weekly magazine. Which is where I came to know about The no. 1 ladies’ detective agency.
I found the story amusing and I really liked the character Mma Precious Ramotswe (here played by Jill Scott). I especially liked how she always said there was nothing that couldn’t be solved with a cup of rooibos tea.
When I later noticed that the online movie rental had a couple films about it I immediately marked them for rental.
In this film we first get a brief introduction to who Precious is, and where she grew up. But also how it came she decided to start the detective agency.
In the beginning we join her at a sad moment, when she visits her fathers deathbed, and his funeral after that. This is however also what makes it possible for her to start her detective agency, she inherits her fathers cows.
The cows are sold and Precious heads for Gaborone in her old pick-up truck. The truck breaks down along the way and she meet the mechanic Mr. J.L.B. Matekoni, who also becomes a good friend. Matekoni tows the truck to his garage, and helps Precious find a hotel to stay at while looking for a house.
Business are slow at first, but despite that Precious hires a secretary, Grace Makutsi. Grace is a somewhat odd character as well, very efficient almost manic. Grace graduated the school of secretary with the high mark of 97%, but often found short shirted women with significantly lower mark get the jobs, until Precious hired her.
I did enjoy the film, the story was perhaps a bit thin. After having read that one short novel, I kind of expected it to be a bit funnier then it was.
That said it has its good sides, and its funny moments. The film had more to it then that though. It portraits Botswana, and the problems there is. With old superstitions and witch craft still being a part of the day to day life.
I await getting the next film in my mailbox, I am sure that I will enjoy that as well. After all, Mma Precious Ramotswe is a character that I would like to see more of 🙂
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